AIAS Seminar: Introduction Research Presentations
6 new AIAS Fellows give a 10-minute presentation each on their research topics
Info about event
Virtual (and possibly the AIAS Auditorium)

The seminar is delivered via Zoom. Join URL: to attend virtually.
AIAS Meet the New Fellows Seminar: Introduction Research Presentations
The purpose of this biannual Introduction Research Presentations event is to maximise and support Fellows' academic integration at AIAS - a chance for all the new fellows to present themselves, their field of work and their research question to each other, to the rest of the fellows and to other people in the audience.
14:15 - 14:20: Introduction by Director of AIAS Søren Rud Keiding
14:21 - 14:31: Katarzyna Jazdzewska: An Author to his Reader. Dedicatory Prose Prefaces in Ancient Literature.
14:32 - 14:42: Christian Damsgaard: Sensory evolution from a bird's eye perspective – elucidating the physiological basis for superior eyesight.
14:43 - 14:53: Philipp Reick: Making it home: A transnational history of building cooperatives and urban housing in interwar Europe, 1919–1926.
14:54 - 15:04: Helen Van Noorden: Reframing the Sibylline Oracles.
15:05 - 15:15: Morten Overgaard: Science and subjectivity - testing the implicit assumptions in theories of the neural correlates of consciousness.
15:16 - 15:26: Stefan Bargheer: Culturalism: The Remaking of Race in the American Century.