Circadian rhythms are cycles of rhythmicity in our behavior, physiology and biochemistry, that occur approximately every 24 hours. They form an adaptive mechanism for organisms to coordinate vital functions from cellular processes to physiological functions to our very behaviors. The nature and timing of our circadian rhythms can therefore play an important role in every aspect of our functioning. Circadian rhythms are tightly connected with sleep, a behavior in which we spend a third of our lives. Light happens to be the strongest entrainer of our circadian rhythms, and therefore exerts a powerful influence over our circadian rhythms.
The aim of this symposium is to activate and foster networks and interdisciplinary collaborations focused on the topic of sleep and the circadian timing system, how they interact with human psychology, health, and behavior, and circadian-driven interventions including light therapy. This symposium is set against the backdrop of a new AU-wide research group that we have formed called the Circadian Psychology and Sleep Research Group.
Professor Katharina Wulff (Umeå University and the Nordic Daylight Research Programme, Sweden)
Clinical Professor Klaus Martiny (University of Copenhagen)
Tuesday, 24 May
09:30-10:00: Registration & coffee
10.00-10.05: Welcome talk by AIAS Director Søren Rud Keiding
10.05-10.15: Introduction (Ali Amidi & Lisa Wu)
10.15-11:15: Keynote lecture
11:20-12:20: Invited speakers
12:20-13:15: LUNCH
13:15-14:15: Keynote lecture
14:20-15:30: Invited speakers
15.30-15.45: Closing comments
15.45-17:00: Networking reception – Attendees will have the opportunity to connect informally
All attendees are welcome to present a poster related to the symposium topic. Please let us know if you intend to do so at registration by checking the box. Posters should be in the following format: A0 (841 x 1189), portrait format.
The symposium is open for all interested researchers and students at all levels and across disciplines in Denmark and neighboring countries. There is a symposium fee of Euro 26,88,- (or DKK 200,-) for non-presenters. The symposium fee covers the cost of coffee, lunches etc. at the symposium.
Registration closes May 18 2022.