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Image: The Sarcophagus of Farmer from Hurma (Antalya). Photo by: Ahmet Çelik.

International Symposium on the Economy of Galatia (central Anatolia) from the Hellenistic Period to the Ottoman Times

Date: 5 May 2022

Location: The Auditorium, Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies, Aarhus University Høegh-Guldbergs Gade 6B, DK- 8000 Aarhus

This symposium investigates production, consumption and distribution patterns of Galatia with focus on the cities of Ancyra, Tavium, Pessinus, and Germa from the Hellenistic period to the Ottoman times. Galatia is a landlocked region, which is at the same time located at the heart of Anatolia. The region’s position on the important roads increased its significance especially during the Roman period. Historical development of the region impacted on the economy of the region as well as the art, architecture and religion. We evaluate broad range of sources, e.g. pottery, coins, inscriptions, ancient written sources, Ottoman tax registers. The symposium will therefore bring a new perspective on and make an empirical contribution to the study of ancient economy. 


09:00-09:10     Hale Güney (AIAS, Aarhus University) Introduction

09:10-09:30     Hale Güney (AIAS, Aarhus University): Two sides of the same coin. The Roman and Ottoman Empires in comparative perspective and beyond

Session I - Chair: Hale Güney (AIAS, Aarhus University)

09:30-10:00    Rhoads Murphey (University of Birmingham): Evidence of Dynamism in the Ottoman Rural Economy: An Overview of Settlement and Land Use in and around Sivrihisar based on land registrations dating from the late 15th and early 16th centuries 

10:00-10:15     Q&A

10:15-10:45     Hale Güney (AIAS, Aarhus University): Carrying capacity of Roman Pessinus and Germa in the light of Ottoman tax registers

10:45-11:15     Q&A

11:30-12:30    Lunch Break (for the speakers and chairs)

Session II - Chair: Tom Brughmans (URBNET- Dpt. of Classical Studies, Aarhus University)

12:30-13:00    M. Erdem Kabadayı (Koç University): Assessing limitations to population growth for rural settlements around Gordion using mid-nineteenth century Ottoman tax and population registers 

13:00-13:15    Q&A

13:15-13:45   Stephen Mitchell (University of Exeter - Berlin): Galatia and the Slave Trade in Antiquity

13:45-14.00     Q&A

14:00-14:30     Christian Wallner (University of Klagenfurt): The economy of Tavion in Imperial and early Byzantine times: Preliminary insights

14:30-14.45     Q&A

14:45-15:00     Coffee Break

Session III - Chair: Adela Sobotkova (CEDHAR - Dpt. of History, Aarhus University)

15:00-15:30     Alberto Dalla Rosa (Bordeaux Montaigne University): Imperial properties in central Asia Minor: new data on their development and territorial organization

15:30-15:45     Q&A

15:45-16:15     Paolo Maranzana (Boğaziçi University): Inequality and the city: Urban elite and pottery circulation in the north-western Anatolian plateau in the Roman Period

16:15-16:30     Q&A

16:30-17:00     Hale Güney (AIAS, Aarhus University): Coin Circulation in Galatia

17:00-17:15     Q&A

17:15-17:45     Concluding Remarks

19:00                Symposium Dinner in town (for the speakers and chairs)


The symposium is open to public and participation is free of charge. We, however, kindly ask you to register for this event by the 25 April. Please do not hesitate to contact symposium organiser and AIAS Fellow Hale Güney for further information and for registration: haleguney@aias.au.dk

Registration closes on April 28 2022.