Aarhus University Seal

AIAS invites all Current, Former and Associate Fellows, Staff and the Board of Directors to the annual AIAS Summer Gathering on Thursday 19 June from 15:00 - 22:00 for an inspiring and joyful afternoon and evening together at AIAS. 

The afternoon starts with three short 15-minute talks, each covering one of three themes which has particularly occupied AIAS during the past academic year.

After the academic part, there will be drinks, music and networking in the Hall, followed by an informal dinner provided by a local food truck.


15:00 - 15:10    Welcome by AIAS Director Andreas Roepstorff 

15:10 - 16:30    Three 15-minute talks by three AIAS Fellows, followed by discussion. TBA.

16:30 - 17:30     Drinks, music and networking in the Hall

17:30 - 22:00     Informal dinner and mingling 


All current, former and associate fellows, staff, the AIAS Board of Directors and friends of the house are invited to participate. Feel free to bring a guest or a partner, but please remember to have them sign up as well.

Please sign up via the 'Registration' button on this page or here

The registration deadline is 16 June 2024