Aarhus University Seal

Anna Maria Langmüller

Postdoc researcher, Cornell University & University of Vienna, Messer lab & Hermisson lab

During her AIAS-AUFF fellowship, Anna Maria Langmüller will be working on the project:

'How does environmental heterogeneity influence the genomic footprint of adaptation?'

Project description

Understanding how organisms adapt to rapidly changing environments is crucial, especially in the context of global climate change. Adaptation often involves evolutionary trade-offs, where adjusting to one challenge, such as insecticides, may affect other traits like heat tolerance. My research investigates how environmental heterogeneity influences the spread of adaptive mutations, considering these pleiotropic effects.

In this context, classic population genetic models only provide limited insights as they assume random mating and spatial homogeneity. To address this, I employ individual-based simulations and statistical frameworks to explore how environmental heterogeneity shapes the genomic footprint of insecticide resistance and affects adaptation dynamics across time and space. 

Short Bio

I am an evolutionary biologist specializing in rapid adaptive processes in experimental and natural populations, with a focus on environmental challenges. My research combines computational modeling and empirical studies to deepen our understanding of evolutionary dynamics. Previously, I held a Marie Skłodowska-Curie postdoctoral fellowship, applying modeling and machine learning in epidemiology at the University of Vienna and Cornell University.

Project title: How does environmental heterogeneity influence the genomic footprint of adaptation?

Area of research: Evolutionary biology

Fellowship period: 1 Sep 2024 - 31 jul 2026

Fellowship type: AIAS-AUFF Fellow


This fellowship has received funding from The Aarhus University Research Foundation (AUFF)