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AIAS Fellows' Seminar: Joshua Nash, AIAS Fellow

Language, linguistics, aesthetics: Pitcairn Island, AIAS, Self

Info about event


Monday 10 September 2018,  at 14:14 - 16:15


The AIAS Auditorium, Building 1632, Høegh-Guldbergs Gade 6B, 8000 Aarhus C




Linguists tell stories about language. They typically do their story telling through science. Artists also tell stories. They can tell stories about language and do so through art. In this presentation I take an artistic and creative appreciation of the language situation on Pitcairn Island, South Pacific and relate it to the aesthetics and practicalities of conducting free range research at AIAS and science-art-individual-self interfaces.

Short bio

Joshua Nash is an islophilic generalist working in linguistics, ethnography, island studies, the anthropology of religion, architecture, and pilgrimage studies. He has done lots of fieldwork in distant and strange places most notably on small Pacific islands.

Joshua Nash's project at AIAS 

What is a Fellows' Seminar?

The AIAS Fellows' Seminar is a session of seminars held by the AIAS fellow or by other speakers proposed by the fellows. In each seminar, one fellow will present and discuss his/her current research and research project, closing off with a question and discussion session.

All seminars are held in English and open to the public. Registration to the seminar is not necessary. Read more about the AIAS Fellows' Seminar here.