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AIAS Symposium: Cutting Edge Technologies for Neurobiology

20 September 2018

The Brain is one of the most complex and amazing organs in our body. It essentially controls everything that we perceive and all of our actions.  An understanding of molecular to circuit-level mechanisms of brain functions, including perception, cognition and consciousness in health and disease, is one of the most challenging subjects of basic science in the 21st century.  To achieve this ambitious goal, it is essential to apply multidisciplinary and state-of-art technology to neurobiology.  In this one day symposium, A range of experts from multidisciplinary fields will introduce their development of cutting-edge technologies and the application of these techniques to answering fundamental questions in neurobiology.


Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies (AIAS), Aarhus University, Buildings 1630-1632, Høegh-Guldbergs Gade 6B, 8000 Aarhus C, Denmark. See location on a map.



Thursday 20 September 2018

08.30-09.00     Registration and Coffee

09.00-09.15     Welcome and Introduction

09.15-10.05     Dr Itaru Hamachi: Chemical strategies for labeling and controlling neurotransmitter                                 receptors 

10.05-10.55     Dr Takanari Inoue: Dimerization techniques to resolve intracellular signaling paradox 

10.55-11.10     Coffee Break

11.10-12.00     Dr Sarah A. Lemprière: Using a novel knock-in model to map synaptic Arc across                                     the mouse brain    

12.00-13.00     Lunch Break

13.00-13.50     Dr Tomonori Takeuchi: Memory modulation by light   

13.50-14.40     Dr Marco Tripodi: Life-long genetic and functional access to neural circuits using Self-                               inactivating Rabies virus

14.40-15.00     Coffee Break

15.00-15.50     Dr Keisuke Yonehara: Visual motion processing from retina to visual cortex in mice

15.50-16.40     Dr Kevin Briggman: Cellular resolution connectomics



Participation and Registration

The symposium is open to all and free of charge. To attend the lunch registration is mandatory, but due to a limited lunch capacity, registration for lunch has now been closed (12 September 2018). You are welcome to attend the talks without lunch, please just show up.


Tomonori Takeuchi, AIAS Fellow, Associate Prof, Team leader at DANDRITE

Keisuke Yonehara, AIAS Associate, PhD and Associate Prof, Group leader at DANDRITE